Well, after months of saying, "just a couple more weeks" I think we're finally gonna go through with it: Podunkton Online BETA begins on Friday, July 18, 2008. We'll be seding out activation codes to those of you who submitted some hype or talked to me personally about it. Go over to the site for the list of names that I have sent a notification email to about it. If you didn't get one, you probably gave me an email address that didn't work (I had a couple, contact me asap if you want in).
Anyway, the beta will last a few weeks to work out the kinks and let the beta testers break the site. This will also be taking place while me and the crew hit Comic-Con in San Diego. Hopefully you testers will build some hype. I think you'll like what you see.
Like I said, Comic Con. I don't anticipate anyone really caring that I'm gonna be there, but I'd personally like to meet a few peeps. Just sucks I missed Wonchop at AX. Heard it was a good time. Panties? Man....
Yeah, so, if you're out in SD for Comic-Con, I'll probably loiter around the NG people at some point. I'll be the soggy-looking guy, half drunk, staring at your girlfriends tits. Yeah, so? Pissoff, asshat, you're blocking the view! Nerd.
Alright, later on peoples. New cartoon series will debut soon. I guess that's what Newgrounds is really for, not so much advertising the new website... BUT ITS RELATED SO IT COUNTS!
In Breasts,
That's cool.
Can't wait lol