Just so you know, I know a guy who knows another guy who kn0ows where dat FROG is.
Maybe he can help.
I'm not really an animator, I just started animating to troll someone on a forum and got kinda carried away.
Age 40, Doodle
rebootin computers
Fairmount, IN
Joined on 8/27/03
Just so you know, I know a guy who knows another guy who kn0ows where dat FROG is.
Maybe he can help.
It appears I have aged well into eDementia status and need also a young up and comer to keep me from blamming stuff i believe is other stuff and ranting publicly like a lunatic, which I am, but also PR... I want Wonchop, but he can't be in the cartoon because reasons.
But he can keep me outta trouble, perhaps, or will betray me like he did us all back then... monkey business might be the chaos we need tellin me if somethins a bad idea or not and of course i swear I'll never listen to a word he says and this, in turn, will create a formidable train wreck and that's my pitch in part for marketing the toon of the era, shitasses!
Legendary shit breath more like it . U and him are big gay cunts ahhahha
this guy fuckin gets it. god damn, finally, a fuckin gay cunt expert to speak on our behalf for a change, where the fuck were you dumbass, i clearly asked for you awhile ago and you've just been beatin off to god damn hentai ads cause this place used to be nice place and now its a rat hole for the vurbs
@Cycon You know, this past year and a bit, I've scoured almost the entirety of newgrounds.com in search of all the old guard that posted Flash here throughout the 2000s. Everything they've left behind, all their skills, techniques, and so much more, I've figured out how to weld into my own craft. I will not stop until I am powerful enough to escape this desert and break out into the real world once and for all!
nope. sucked into the internet also. you're sucked in. sucked into the internet. the world except its wide web of a world thats dot com and u got sucked into it, here, with me. you, me, http. dot org/we are sucked into it/this.internet.icup
@Cycon hey dont be mean
I apologize, I never use those words and just wanted to use those words. You've given me a great gift in receiving your lashings that were only so I could have use of words to get canceled by, if not but for a moment.
Thank you stinkshit poopass lil bitch, i love you, but don't you EVER presume to talk to me like youre my ex wife ever again unless its on youtube or something, this place is God's land and he turns a blind eye to that fuckin crybaby shit, soldier!
If I need to restate that I'm just messing around then hang on, I will in just a second on the next post cause im running out of rant spa
Jordan what are you on lmao
WHO THE FUCK IS JORDAN don't call me that when we're in this place, this is HOLY LAND, steve. Go make a rap to remind you not to call me by my OnlyFans name when we're in B-town, okay? Okay.
Oh shit, it's been a minute my man. By the way, that was beautiful. I could probably get you hooked up to LF. I wanna see this, shitpost or not.
M'lord, shit, it HAS been at least an internet minute! WhAT in the fucksgud, SB, you better get at me on some DM shit somewhere, discord, whatev, I wanna hear how we're gonna MAKE THIS HAPPEN for very little reward.
Just B-worthy glory. For Tom. And the old ones...
9/8/23 UPDATE: Okay, someone with social skills get a crew together that wishes they could make the next stupid smash brothers COLLABRACAFUCKOFF cartoon but DONT DO IT, and instead, you need to get that fuckin frog in here because I've got SB's seal of approval down below and we're doin stupid shit on the internet!!
God dammit, shitasses, if I have to keep comin on here and makin false promises to you lil sweethearts while simultaneously abusing you, gently, for my own chaotic and seemingly directionless plots, I might. So, keep in that in mind and let it motivate you to "let's do stupid shit on the internet" team-GOOOOOOO
Bonus points if anyone snags a BIGNAMEDROP character like, what was that dinosaur dude with the hubris? Hubrisaurus Rex? PrideMammoth? Egosomething or whatever? I remember when that kid was in diapers and I guess he's learned his lesson with all that whatever, success if you call it that, but yeah. Old shitass, pratfall parody motherfucks that made career choices outta this place can APPLY to be in the coolest god damn wreck of the century
Coolboyman, hit me up on the DISCORD, Cycon#0688 or maybe .cycon, just look for that hotdog shit.
Cyklunk, fuckin OUT, I better come back to some shit, too.
Hey, anyone know what happened to Dave of RAB, he's definitely allowed to come.
oh, i know you're all beatin off to left-hand tiddy drawn hentai sonic porn on here, jizzin in your neckbeards, BUT I FOLLOW EVERY ASSHOLE THAT FOLLOWS ME and I'm just sayin what the fuck am i following you all for if I cant get a little reach-around service to klunk me up some dick here?! Huh? Anyone?
Ya'll better get to chattin, we got a lot of fuckin shit to do and I don't remember a god damn thing about how to do it. There I said. Fuck you. Ross without the accent is LAAAMME but he taught me some tricks before and he broke my fuckin glasses that one time, so he owes me a lesson and whatever. Go get that guy to Mickey for my Rocky VI attempts here, okay? Thanks, you lil sweet idiots!@
@Cycon noted, Jor-ahem-Cycon diss track coming February 30th
you better deliver, streven, I've marked the date
@Cycon soon
what even is going on
Did it say anything about NOVEMBER because I forget what it said. LF said he'd do a thing, though, apparently. I just gotta stop making tiktoks with deepfake ai of me as a woman first
I will not. Proceeeeeed.
justice is served
Is it coming out this year’s November to commemorate 20 years of Project DCK?
I expect so very little from those capable of the same, so maybe its asking a lot, but bring me the god damn FROG. If you get me the Frog, maybe I can get you the Fulp. If the Fulp cometh, we got hope... it won't be too late, kids. Its not over yet, you can make this happen.